,Sometimes dentures break and you need it repaired fast, as it affects daily tasks. We can fix your broken dentures within the same day. There are many reasons why dentures fracture, you will need a Dental Professional to examine the fracture first, provide an assessment and estimate the cost of your repair.
Dentures that are glued together before a assessment, may not be valid for a repair as the fractured pieces may have been placed together in-correctly. As will be appreciated there are no specific reasons for acrylic dentures to break other than :
We do not modify/alter the fit or bite of your dentures other than the fractured area. We use the latest acrylic materials to repair your denture, this creates a stronger repair to repair your denture together. We are therefore unable to offer any guarantees against future fractures and would always advise to treat a repair as a temporary measure until you have a new set of dentures made. Why you should not glue your dentures yourself? Sometimes you can glue the pieces together incorrectly and as glue (or super glue) is a type of acrylic, it creates a false space between the pieces and bonds together in an incorrect position. This makes it impossible to locate the pieces correctly and repair it to the original break. So if you have a denture that's broken in a clean break, bring the pieces with you and we will check they fit together and see if it's repairable. What about the cost and how long does it take? The cost is from £50 and depends on type of denture repair that is needed. Our qualified technicians will do an initial assessment to see if the denture is repairable, ask you a few questions regarding the repair and give you a price to repair the denture and how long it will take. Please bare in mind, our technicians will be in the middle of other cases so time to repair may vary on a day to day basis but we aim to repair within 2 - 3 hours. Any repairs after 3pm will be repaired for the next day. Our opening times are 8am to 5pm. We are based in 25a St James Street, Walthamstow, London E17 7PJ Please contact us today on 0208 520 8528 or 020 3489 2055 if you need a denture repair in London.
Getting a new set of dentures can be a daunting task, especially if you don’t know what’s involved.
Here are the stages that we need, in order to create successful 'Swissedent' Cosmetic Dentures. Click here to see 'The Denture Stages' Professionally speaking dentures should last between 5 - 12 years. As would be appreciated there are many other factors that we do as humans that can influence how long dentures last for.
Swissedent Denture Clinic
Private Dentures London, UK About the author:
Kash Qureshi is a Clinical Dental Technician (Denturist) in the U.K and deals with over 400+ denture related cases from a clinical and technical aspect weekly at Bremadent Premier London Dental Laboratory & Swissedent Denture Clinic in London . www.swissedent.co.uk www.bremadent.co.uk [email protected] Categories |